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    How are co-working spaces solving the problem of working remotely?

    Remote working

    Remote jobs are on the rise and the employees can work without the restrictions of 9 to 5 desk jobs.  

    Remote jobs have countless benefits, such as working on a flexible schedule.

    However, it still cannot provide the human connection and interaction that a job offers while working from the office.  

    Well, human beings are social creatures and after some time working alone in isolation, they crave social interaction and someone to talk to. 

    Even though people are working in virtual office space and talking through apps such as Facetime, zoom, and Skype, it cannot fill the void of a genuine conversation and connection with another human being.  

    Thus, working remotely also has its downfalls. 

    This is where a shared office space (Coworking space) can help. you, the reader, might be wondering how? 

    Well, let us share with you a concept that is known as remote coworking. 

    What is remote coworking?

    Coworking is a space where various people come together and work independently or in collaboration in a shared office space

    This is a physical space such as a coworking space. Virtual spaces or online coworking is also a growing trend. 

    This only has been the case after following the Covid-19 pandemic when people started working from home. 

    Coworking spaces give a fresh twist to the old office setup. They offer a shared place where freelancers, entrepreneurs, businesses, and remote teams can work side by side. 

    Here they share resources and enjoy each other’s company. It’s a great way to network and meet new people you might not encounter otherwise.

    If you usually work alone, coworking spaces provide a nice change of pace. But there’s also a trend called remote coworking, where you work alongside others while travelling. 

    With more people working remotely these days, many are combining work with their travel dreams. It allows them to advance their careers while ticking off items on their bucket lists.

    Benefits of coworking for remote employees

    Whether you are travelling or are visiting somewhere, you can find remote working through a coworking space quite professional and enjoyable. Let us see how. 

    Build new connections and friendships

    Making new connections and building friendships is essential. Even if you enjoy your own company, there’s nothing quite like saying a simple “Hello” to someone in person. 

    Humans are social creatures, and working alone can get lonely. This feeling can be even stronger if you’re in a different city or if language is a barrier.

    Joining a coworking space or a remote travel program can help. These environments bring you together with passionate, driven people who share similar interests. 

    Coworking spaces often host events where you can meet and mingle with others. Remote travel programs let you live with a group for weeks, and since these programs attract people with similar values, you’ll quickly find new friends and build lasting connections.

    Collaboration with coworking colleagues

    One of the best things about working in shared office space is that you will have some colleagues close by. It certainly helps if you are looking for any help or opinion on a project, particularly, when you have invested a lot of time and resources in the project. 

    Coworking brings people together from many different disciplines and careers. Most of the time you will find yourself working among professionals such as software developers, designers, growth marketers, nutritionists, or an accountant. 

    Every individual comes from a different place and brings different viewpoints as well. 

    Professional Environment

    Working from home is convenient, but it often comes with lots of distractions like chores, family members, pets, or just lounging around. 

    A coworking space gives you a professional setting away from these interruptions, helping you keep work and home life separate. This makes it easier to stay focused and productive.

    Access to Resources

    Coworking spaces come with handy resources that you might not have at home. Think high-speed internet, printers, meeting rooms, and office supplies. 

    Many also offer extras like podcast studios, photography gear, and design software. This makes it easier to get your work done efficiently.


    One of the best things about coworking spaces is their flexibility. Instead of committing to a long-term office lease, you can choose from various membership options, like daily passes or monthly plans. 

    Whether you need a workspace for a day, a week, or longer, you can find a plan that fits your needs and budget.

    Increased Productivity

    Being in a coworking space can boost your productivity. Seeing other people working hard can be motivating. 

    Also, having a dedicated workspace helps you stick to a routine and avoid procrastination, and it gets easy to get things done.

    Work-life balance

    Well, it can be quite challenging to maintain a healthy work-life balance when you are working from home. 

    The lines between the professional and personal life can get blurred and this can lead to burnout. Working through a coworking space helps resolve this issue by providing a workspace. It allows the workers to switch off from work when they space the coworking space. 

    This separation from work is really important for maintaining a balance between work and life. 

    Community and Support

    Working alone can feel lonely and isolating, but coworking spaces provide a sense of community and belonging. They often organize regular events, workshops, and social gatherings, creating a supportive and collaborative environment. 

    Being part of a community of like-minded people can offer emotional support, reduce feelings of isolation, and even lead to lasting friendships.

    Professional Development

    Coworking spaces frequently host events, workshops, and seminars on various professional and personal development topics. 

    These sessions offer valuable learning opportunities, helping remote workers and freelancers improve their skills, stay updated with industry trends, and grow their careers through meaningful connections. 

    Access to such resources is a major benefit for anyone looking to continually learn and adapt in a fast-changing work environment.

    Enhanced Creativity

    Changing your work environment can boost creativity. Coworking spaces are designed to be inspiring, with modern interiors, artwork, and innovative designs. 

    The diverse community also fosters a creative atmosphere, as interacting with people from different backgrounds can spark new ideas and perspectives. 

    These collaboration opportunities can lead to more innovative solutions and better problem-solving.

    Ace Coworking: Best coworking space in Chandigarh

    Today, coworking spaces have changed the way freelancers and remote workers work. These spaces provide a range of benefits from improving productivity, to networking opportunities, professional settings and creativity.

    If you are a remote worker and searching for the “best Coworking space near me, then explore the coworking space offered by Ace Coworking. 

    We are the best coworking space in Chandigarh and provide hot desks, private offices, dedicated desks, conference rooms and much more with various amenities. Connect with us today and grab your seat right away!

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