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    Top Strategies For Managing Generational Gaps In Coworking Spaces

    Coworking spaces are increasingly becoming popular these days. These types of workspaces are also known as shared workspaces.

    These workspaces offer a collaborative and productive workspace environment for people to work in. Freelancers, working professionals, entrepreneurs and business owners are the users of these spaces.

    The community of Mohali coworking spaces consists of people including all generations from Gen Z to Traditionalists. Having different age groups in coworking spaces improves diversity. But it also creates a generational gap.

    Generational gaps can create certain conflicts in workplaces. Different generations of people have different mindsets and different ways of thinking. Opinions and suggestions of one generation may not be appreciated or accepted by the other. 

    In this blog, we shall discuss some strategies to manage generational gaps in coworking spaces. But before that let us discuss the five generations that are currently a part of the coworking community.

    Five Generations At Coworking Community

    Here is the list of five generations that are a part of the coworking community.

    1. The Traditionalists

            These are the people who were born between 1928 and 1945. This generation is also known as the Silent generation. This is the oldest and the wisest generation in the workforce.

            Most of the people of this generation are largely retired. But those who still are a part of the organisation are making a significant impact by their presence.

            2. Baby Boomers

              Those who were born between 1946 and 1964 are known as baby boomers. This generation is just behind the traditionalists. Baby boomers have great work ethics and are often workaholics. These people are serious towards work and show exceptional leadership qualities.

              They are delegated important responsibilities at work. This is the most hardworking and dedicated generation among all generations. They are working towards their retirement.

              3. Generation X 

                People born between 1965 and 1980 are known as Generation X. These people are the ones who introduced the concept of open floor designs.

                This generation values work but also values a better work-life balance. The people of this generation are great team players and like to collaborate for better output.

                They are strategic thinkers and more creative than their predecessors.

                4. Millennials

                  This generation was born between 1981 and 1996. People belonging to this generation are much more tech-friendly than previous generations.

                  They are fully apt to use the internet and technological gadgets. This generation is more stable and doesn’t usually hop from one organisation to another.

                  This generation likes to upskill themselves to stay relevant in the current job market. They are also passionate about their work.

                  5. Generation Z 

                    Generation Z is also referred to as Gen Z. These are the people born after 1997. This is the youngest generation in the job market who are currently entering the organisations. 

                    However, they are in small numbers in the organisations but their presence is continuously increasing. Despite being mocked for their laissez-faire attitude this generation shows exceptional capabilities when time tests their resilience.

                    However, this generation doesn’t follow the concept of staying and retiring from the same organisation that one joined initially.

                    They keep on hopping from one organisation to the other every 2 to 3 years.

                    Top Strategies To Manage Generational Differences In The Coworking Space

                    Now, let us discuss some strategies for effectively managing generational differences in coworking spaces.

                    1. Flexible Workspace Design

                          It may look like how workspace designs can contribute towards managing generational differences, but it actually does. Create a workspace that has different types of layouts. Different layout designs are preferred by different groups of people.

                          Some like to work in an open environment and some prefer coworking space private office for focused work. Usually, the younger generation including Gen Z and millennials likes to communicate and collaborate. They prefer an open workspace environment because it lets them collaborate easily.

                          However, older generations including the traditionalists and baby boomers don’t like to interact much unless it’s necessary. They preferred to work in a quiet and focused environment.

                          2. Technology Integrations

                            Coworking spaces in Mohali are equipped with modern technology. These days work without the involvement of technology is unimaginable. Modern workspaces are equipped with the latest technological integrations. It allows you to perform professional work seamlessly without any issues.

                            Younger generations are apt with technology, they can’t imagine a world without the internet. Today the internet has become a basic necessity similar to food and water. Thus workplaces must be equipped with high-speed internet connectivity, workstations, video conferencing facilities, printers and a virtual setup.

                            However, we must also provide suitable options that are user-friendly for older generations. 

                            Older generations are not good at working with technological gadgets. They still prefer pen and paper mode of working.

                            3. Respect Work-Life Balance

                              Work-life balance was not a priority for the Traditionalists and Baby Boomers. They believe in working hard for the organisations that they work for. They often neglect to pay attention towards their personal life. However, the younger generation including Gen Z, the millennials, and Gen X prefer a better work-life balance.

                              Especially Gen Z’s won’t compromise their personal life. If they find they are not able to maintain a work-life balance in the current organisation then they won’t hesitate to leave that organisation. 

                              Thus coworking spaces must provide flexible work timings for people so that they can work at their convenience.

                              4. Health and Wellness Zones

                                Coworking spaces must offer health and fitness zones in their workplace premises. The younger generation might prefer gyming. However, the older generation prefers yoga and meditation.

                                Thus coworking spaces must provide a gymnasium, activity area, breakout space, and yoga and meditation rooms for their members. By providing these facilities both types of generation will be served.

                                Ace Co-Working: A Workspace Away From Office

                                In the modern era, coworking spaces are picking up pace and are becoming the preferred choice for working professionals. These shared workspaces are highly flexible and provide a collaborative and productive workplace environment.

                                If you are looking for such a workspace near you where you can work in a professional environment, then choose Ace Co-working.

                                Ace Co-working is one of the best coworking spaces in Zirakpur that provides a quality workspace for a better workplace experience.

                                Contact us and book your seat in our coworking office.

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